Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group
The Hydrogen Council and various Members were invited by Hon. Simeon Brown and Hon. Simon Watts to participate in the Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group.
The Group were asked to provide their combined views on the role of Government and the policy actions needed to enable the development of a low emissions hydrogen industry in New Zealand.
The Report to the left, prepared by the New Zealand Hydrogen Council on behalf of the Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group, aligns views, recommendations and suggested actions with the Hydrogen Action Plan priorities and takes a sector-wide, technology neutral view.
The Report outlines the priority policy interventions required to stimulate meaningful scale for hydrogen, collated on the first page, followed by a more in depth explanation of the rationale for each in the body of the report.
Hydrogen Industry Leadership Group includes:
Dr Linda Wright – New Zealand Hydrogen Council
Sir Stephen Tindall - K1W1 (Hydrogen Council Member)
Anthony Jones – H. W. Richardson Group (Hydrogen Council Member)
Yukio Mashimo – Obayashi Corporation (Hydrogen Council Member)
Christopher Boyle – Fabrum (Hydrogen Council Member)
Andrew Clennett – Hiringa Energy (Hydrogen Council Member)
Mike Parker – GBV (Hydrogen Council Member)
Brendan King – T R Group Limited